Part 3. How Does Sin Affect The Human Race?
Consequences in Life.
1. Original Sin
The consequences of sin in this life include original sin. Original sin can be further separated into the categories of original guilt, and original pollution.
Original guilt is the doctrine that teaches that Adam’s sin was imputed to his descendants, and therefore every descendant of Adam has the guilt of that sin to bear. We can see, biblically, that death is the punishment for sin, and that punishment is passed from Adam to all of his descendants. See Rom. 5:12-19; Eph. 2:3; 1 Cor. 15:22.
Original pollution teaches that “original sin is not merely negative; it is also an inherent positive disposition toward sin”. (LB) Original pollution is well expressed by the doctrines of total depravity, and total inability.
Total depravity is not the idea that men are as depraved as they possibly could be, or that they have no God-given conscience, but rather that every part of man’s nature is corrupt. This doctrine teaches that there is no spiritual good in relation to God, in the sinner, only perversion.
Total inability is not the idea that man cannot perform good in any sense of the word. He is able to do external religious good, civil good, and natural good, but “these same actions and feelings, when considered in relation to God, are radically defective. Their fatal defect is that they are not prompted by love to God, or by any regard for the will of God as requiring them.”. (LB) The unregenerate man can do nothing that is pleasing to God, including changing his own propensity for wickedness. In the words of Paul, “those who are in the flesh, cannot please God” (Rom. 8:8) See also: John 6:44; 8:34; 15:4,5; Rom. 7:18,24; 8:7,8; 1 Cor. 2:14; Heb 11:6
2. Free Will.
In any discussion of inability, depravity, pollution, and original sin, inevitably the question of free will is going to come up.